Fetish Policy Police


The Cops are Cumming for you

Follow the Policies; feel the Pleasures.

Like it or not, we live in a realm of rules, and not even PLEASURE is without POLICIES. And, if you can’t erase the system… edit it! Thus, we of the Sexological Institute of Therapist Summers have formed a series of Fetishistic & Paraphilic Guidelines for both our techniques, in addition to in order to better Psychosexual–Ego-Consciousness for the populace as a whole.

But even etching words into stone does nothing on its own… Those proverbial ‘Etchings’ need ENFORCEMENT; those Policies need to be POLICED.

When a some physician of the people hands you a prescription, it doesn’t matter how many times (s)he repeats that they are “Doctor’s Orders” if you crumple it up and toss it in the trash the way out the door.

Now… if you were, let’s say, strapped down to a sturdy bed, both your wrists & ankles bound by thick leather straps, a preventative gag lodged in your mouth, while former Body-Builders’ Bruno & “Big” John Johnson block out the sun on either side of you… and you were nonchalantly asked if you’d be willing to comply with the Doctor’s orders, you know your head would be bobbing up & down faster than a 80 year old life-long repressed homosexual at a Nude Beach on Fire-Island on Oral-Only-Orgy-Day!!!

Strict Sexual Statutes of the SSIGranted, maybe the example was a bit extreme, and even maybe a tad off topic, while possibly being slightly satirical… yet the underlying point of the stretched-out comparison remains true. After all, if there wasn’t any action being taken, it would just be Anarchy under a different name. With regular Sex Therapy, you are pretty much free to come & go as you please… However, here at the S.S.I., we believe in results, even if things need to get a little rough to reap those rewards. Therapist Summers’ “TOUGH LOVE” Therapeutic Programs aren’t called what they are for being passive, nor for being nonchalant. Rather, just as the name blatantly states, results are achieved by being TOUGH… and “tough” isn’t just letting lay-a-bouts miss their appointments or skip their recommended regimens. Oh no, no no; ENFORCEMENT is ENACTED post-haste!

And with that, let me be the first to greet you at this


Click on the poster of our Gal-in-You (speaking of the Fetishistic-Female-Officer you see), and from there, or by the button below, you are to obtain your entrance through our Paraphilic-Processing-Program in order to continue with the Pleasurable Prerequisite. Mmm, indeed it is the proper procedure for you.

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