The SSI's PAY-to-VIEW's Public Relation's Page

Gratis Javascript Tester Duo

NOTICE: Many of the Pay-to-Views available from the SSI require Javascript to be enabled in order to function.
  If you are unsure, you may use our little test-code below compliments of the S.S.I.

TEST A: If you see nothing in the box below, everything is probably okay, but do TEST B to be sure...

TEST B: If the above box is empty, click on the button below to be proof-positive Javascript is enabled.

If you have clicked the button and are unsure whether or not it worked... then you DO NOT have Javascript enabled, plain & simple.

Complementary Cookie Checker

TEST A: This is about as simple and as easy to comprehend as it gets...

Yet we somehow feel that some men with a stiffie in their hands will still be dumbfounded. Sooo... to clarify how this Cookie Checker works, inside the blue box below, it will either say that you have Cookies OR it will INSTEAD say that you do not have Cookies.

You are Cookieless!
You'll need to turn them on
if you want to enjoy this site.

TEST B: This backup Cookie Checker works more like the 1st Javascript Tester:

If you see ANY text in yellow below, then you have cookies enabled.

...and if nothing here has been in yellow, than it is time for you to go & learn how to turn-on those cookies.

Idiot-proof iFrame-Test

Plain & Simple Popup Prover:

Just click the button below in order to be positive on whether you can play with our Pop-ups...

See your Plugins:

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  1. Hi after I;ve uploaded the foto, I;m stuck on
    Now it is time to PICK YOUR PROVING PLACEMENT:

  2. everything seems to work except I can’t click on my plug-ins #1. What does that mean?

    • Therapist Summers

      Some of the latest browsers don’t allow that info to be shown like that. It is not a problem. If all the other tests are working, then I would say it is safe to say that you can use any of my programs. Hope that helps.

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