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What's your favorite Chastity Device?  


Therapist Summers
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18/07/2018 6:37 pm  

Tell us what your favorite device is, and why.

Photos of your device on are welcome.

"Bringing Sexual Awareness to the Global Consciousness."

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10/11/2018 11:47 am  

My chrome coloured CB6000 is nice and comfortable, and fits very well.

But I want to switch over to a metal cage (maybe Jailbird?) which I think will be more suitable for longer periods locked up (easier to clean etc.). 

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03/11/2019 4:47 pm  
Favorite Chastity Device: CherryKeeper (Long-wide)
My chastity device journey began several years ago, but I only recently found a cage I could use everyday.  I hope that sharing my experience will help others who are starting down the path of chastity find a device that is right for his/themself.
The first device I ever purchased was a "Gates of Hell" device. This was a leather and metal contraption that prevented the wearer from achieving a full erection. I tried it a few times before getting the courage to show it to my wife. She didn't like it. It seems too tight, and she was afraid it would hurt me somehow. A couple years later, I found an all-metal chastity device in a couples' toy shop. I brought it home and discovered that it felt too tight. (If the base ring hurts or causes chaffing, it is definitely too tight.) My wife agreed. She also thought it looked too threatening and too harsh for our beginner bedroom play. I bought a larger device called "The Curve," but it was too large to be practical. I went through a few other devices, including a silicone device (too bulky and easy to escape) and a Holy Trainer Knock-off (too small again). I was about to give up on finding a device that fit when I realized I was going about it all wrong.
One doesn't buy a pair of shoes by bringing home random sizes and hoping they will fit. Neither should someone buying a chastity cage. I did some online research and discovered how to correctly measure myself for a device. I have included the link to a page that describes one way to measure for a new cage. (SSI also has a fun activity, linked below, to understand how your size measurements compare with other men.) To find a cage that fits properly, you need to know the width of the base ring (fits behind the scrotum), the length of your flaccid (soft) penis (subtract 0.25 to 0.5 inches to allow for temporary shrinkage due to cold weather or exercise), and the width of the flaccid penis. Another measurement that is sometimes important is the "ball gap" (the space between the base ring and the penis tube.) Unfortunately, finding the right "ball gap" takes a bit of trial and error to get correct, and there is no need to worry about it too much in purchasing your first cage. Generally, smaller testicles need to use a smaller "ball gap" to prevent the testicles from slipping out accidentally.
Armed with my new information (and measurements), I looked for my new cage. I discovered that most inexpensive cages were too small to fit some men comfortably. I looked at many online forums for reviews on devices. I settled on the Bon4 metal device. Bon4 had several sizes of base rings to choose from, which made it the best choice for me. If the included rings didn't fit, I could order a larger size. I couldn't wait for the device to arrive. When it did, I found it fit great and was comfortable to wear (as long as I was wearing underwear to support the weight of the cage). Unfortunately, the all-metal design was a little heavy when completely nude, but some men may find this sensation appealing. I was not one of them. I tried some different size rings for a few days before finally showing the device to my wife. I was sure this would be the one. It wasn't. First of all, she had the same problem with this metal device as she did with the first one I bought a few years ago. It looked too medieval and resembled a torture device. She was not interested in torturing or harming my penis. Furthermore, I discovered that the smooth sides of the cage made it easy to slip my penis out and back in without unlocking the cage. I could not entirely remove the cage due to how well it trapped the testicles, but I could get out enough to pleasure myself. So the Bon4 was close, but still not right.
I discussed what my wife would like to see in a cage with her (something I probably should have done a long time ago). She told me she was most concerned about safety, so a metal cage was not an option. She also suggested something cute. I did some further research and discovered 3D printed cages. Therapist Summers from SSI also provided feedback on my choice for my next cage purchase to prevent me from making more wrong choices. I settled on because of the large number of styles/sizes to choose from. If you cannot find something that fits on that site, I would be surprised. The cage designer on that site was friendly and helpful in answering my questions. The site was easy to navigate and included dimensions for the cages and rings. The site also has many fun 3D printed accessories that can be used with the CherryKeeper cage.  I was able to order my new cage and base rings directly from the site. I was even able to select my wife's favorite color, purple. (I do suggest ordering the smoother "processed versatile plastic" finish.) The ordering process was easy and provided me a way to track my order through processing, production, and shipping.
The product arrived, and I could not be happier. I showed my wife the new cage, and this was the first one that met her approval. It has lasted me over three months so far and shows no sign of failing. I am comfortable wearing it as I write this, and I can even exercise with it on me. The slight texture of the plastic makes it secure against pulling out (at least for me.) The purple color has not rubbed off at all, but it has faded slightly. I have ordered some of the accessories from the site, such as a plastic cylinder that converts the device from an integrated lock to be able to use numbered, plastic security-tags. (The security tags provide a visual layer of reassurance that the device has not been tampered with or removed.) If you are looking for a new plastic device, consider the CherryKeeper among your many options.
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11/11/2019 4:01 pm  

I think the cherry keeper is being mentioned more and more.. i had tried several alternatives.. and still haven't found the most comfortable for long term use...

while being discreet..i think with plastic locks the cherry could go through airport scanners


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