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Mushroom Makes Women Orgasm Just By Smelling It  


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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 33
22/03/2020 11:20 pm  

Hawaiian Mushroom Makes Women Orgasm Just By Smelling It

Scientists have discovered an orange mushroom in recent Hawaiian lava flows that can induce instantaneous orgasms in women just from the odor it gives off....

Warning: If this is real, she will no longer have use for you. She will lock you in a chastity cage and make you work so she can have more of this magic mushroom. The more you buy the more it will please her. The more you give her, the fewer orgasms you will have. The fewer orgasm you have, the more desperate you‘ll be to please her. It seems exciting, but it’s a delicious trap from which you will be powerless to escape.


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