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Showers vs Growers:  


Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 33
01/04/2020 1:48 pm  

Showers vs Growers

How can a women tell if a potential lover is a shower or a grower? How often have men claimed “oh it gets bigger” only to fall disappointingly short of expectations? Does penis size even matter? The article below was published in the journal “Nature.” The study of 278 men attempts to identify define the term “grower” and determine what factors are associated with growers. Next time someone claims to be a grower, this study might help you decide how likely it is they are telling the truth.

Growers make up only 1/4 of men

Growers are more likely to be young

Growers expand their length by at least 4cm (1.6 inches to 2.8 inches)

Smaller penis size is associated with smoking and medical conditions.

A “shower” can be loosely defined as a man who displays more penile size when flaccid and does not gain as much when erect. A “grower” is a man who proportionally gains more length and girth on erection. The evolution of the grower/shower concept can be traced back to the work of Masters and Johnson’s analysis of the Kinsey data

Research documents that men with larger penises have better body image, genital satisfaction, and higher feelings of sexual competence. Masters and Johnson hypothesized that penis size should not influence female satisfaction as the female vagina is a potential space and will expand to fit any size penis. However, multiple studies aimed at assessing female preference with regard to penis size have contradicted their claims and reported that a larger penis increases male attractiveness and female perceptions of sexual satisfaction.

Michael Andrew Powell
Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 34
07/01/2021 12:14 pm  

I'm not sure which one I


I Michael Andrew Powell love eating creampies of other men out my wife's Michele Powell's well fucked pussy!


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