About Me
Trying to be a better husband through therapy, chastity, and by learning to encourage my wife's needs over my own selfish impulses.
I was a chronic masturbator until I got help from Therapist Summers. I used to masturbate 7-10 times per week. I confessed my habit to my wife and promised to remain chaste for her. Therapist Samantha helped find the right incentives for me to give up all masturbation and bring me under my wife's control.
Update: Therapist Summers has done it. She has led me down a path to improve my dedication and adoration of my wife through chastity and developing a female led relationship. I didn’t even realize how far into chastity and an FLR I had gone until recently. I thought that things would likely return to normal when my commitment to chastity ended in a few months, but Therapist Summers simply asked me “Do you think she's going to say, yup... masturbate your dick away and pay less attention to me?“ My wife is happy so I certainly cannot take that away from her. My wife and my relationship with her have been forever changed for the better. Therapist Summers has help me bring out my wife’s inner Goddess. Therapist Summers’s skills and knowledge should be respected. Be certain you know what you truly desire before asking for her help.
Update2: My wife has accepted my submission to her. I am a better husband because she is my Goddess to worship and adore. Of course, my wife has always been a Goddess, I just failed to recognize and feed that part of her. (Actually, all women are Goddesses deserving of respect,love, and support.) Thanks to Ms. Summers, I am finally listening to my wife's heart and desires. I strive to meet the needs of my wife/Goddes before my own. I cook nutritious meals, clean the kitchen, make repairs to the home, support her job, encourage her to go out with friends (while I stay home.) I try to anticipate her needs and desires. In the bedroom, her needs are first and highest. I provide back rubs, cudddles, and root rubs whenever she demands them. I draw my own pleasure from experiencing hers. Any personal pleasure I receive from her is a gift and not an expectation. When she grants me my own pleasure, it is always quick and on her terms. My Goddess has always been there for me. Now I am always there for her. By learning this, the reward has been great. Now my new goal is to make the new, better husband stick. I don't want to fall back into my old selfish ways. More importantly, I do not want to disappoint mepy Goddess. I hope to spend the rest of my life making up for my past selfishness by serving my wife/Goddess and helping her grow in her power over me and within herself.
Update 3: With guidance from Therapist Summers, my wife (Goddess) is solidifying her role as head of our relationship. She has taken on a direct interest in managing our finances. She controls any role playing or bedroom scenes. She decides if/when/how I am allowed pleasure. We have agreed upon days when only she is entitled to pleasure. Meanwhile, my wife has discovered fetishes she did not know she had such as receiving foot rubs or making a mess when she chooses to allow me to ejaculate. Long sessions of oral sex has become her preferred method of getting off with my attention. When allowing me to cum, she prefers making me cum quickly with a hand job because it makes her feel sexy and powerful. I now do the dishes every night, wash our clothes, and keep the house clean so she can have more time for her needs. She has essentially taken possession of the new car that was to be mine, but I cannot argue how good she looks driving it. The most amazing part is that I discovered that I love serving my wife. I enjoy freeing up her time to make her happy and reduce her stress. The reward of her satisfaction with me is worth the extra effort. We no longer argue since I have discovered that any of the discourse we had was my own fault for not accepting her lead and obeying her well. At this point, I don't think either of us wants to return to how things were.