About Me
I am a 76 year old male whose sex life now consists of daily masturbation. From age 13 to age 23 I masturbated at least once a day. I was a virgin until my first wife, M and I got engaged. I was 23. She led me to believe that she was too, but 4 months after our wedding day she confessed that she had sex with her 17 year old boyfriend when she was 14. I accepted that and we had a very active loving sex life until she died suddenly 19 years later. After 4 years of reverting to daily masturbation I met my second wife, Pam. We fucked before our first date. LOL We married 4 months later and enjoyed a very active sex life until 13 years later when she had a hysterectomy and lost interest in sex. I was back to daily masturbation. Within a year we divorced in 2004 because we realized without the sex we had vastly different goals and interests. I met my current girlfriend, Kathy a few months after the divorce, and although she was much less adventurous sexually than either of my wives she was a good fuck. We would do the deed about twice a week. On the other days I would masturbate. About 6 years ago my girlfriend's peripheral nerves started to be affected by her diabetes. In her case it affected her clitoris and she lost the ability to have an orgasm. Since she can no longer get satisfaction from sex, we stopped fucking.