Do you think Penis size doesn’t matter? Are you comfortable with your penis size compared to other men in the world? If you’re an American, you better think twice. It appears that the USA’s global might is compensating for a little secret it is hiding!
“...according to a Mister Poll survey, 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would turn down a very attractive male with a small penis for an average-looking man with a bigger package.
In the same poll, 75% of the respondents believe that penis girth and length matter a lot. Also, 61% of them have confided that they have dumped or refused intercourse with males with penis sizes below their expectations.”
Link to full article:
I can attest to the fact size does matter. My 3 inch penis frustrates and pisses off women when you try to fuck them and you keep completely falling out between each stroke and have to fumble around trying to get your little penis back in them. They become really pissed and frustrated with your small size and soon find another man too replace your inadequacies.
As a man who has a penis that is 3.5 inches erect, i can say that having a small penis has had a negative effect on my life. i have been married twice, have had BOTH wives cheat on me, and both wives told me that i was a "pathetic excuse of a man" in the bedroom, citing that my lack of adult manhood as a cause for their infidelity. These marriages ended in divorce despite the fact i in both cases agreed to overlook their infidelity and look the other way. In both cases i in fact begged them to stay married to me even if it meant i could no longer have marital sexual relations with them. The actual truth was that i was sexually excited by their cheating and enjoyed the thought of being a cuckold husband.
Do you think Penis size doesn’t matter? Are you comfortable with your penis size compared to other men in the world? If you’re an American, you better think twice. It appears that the USA’s global might is compensating for a little secret it is hiding!
“...according to a Mister Poll survey, 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would turn down a very attractive male with a small penis for an average-looking man with a bigger package.
In the same poll, 75% of the respondents believe that penis girth and length matter a lot. Also, 61% of them have confided that they have dumped or refused intercourse with males with penis sizes below their expectations.”
Link to full article:
Just adding on top of it the Mister Poll survey cited above can be accessed at the below link
Older Results:
Newer results:
Actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit reas
@sissy-sophia thanks for posting the additional surveys
Interesting poll results with a large number of women respondents.
Only 10% or respondents reported the largest penis they have experienced was 6 inches or less. 90% have experienced a penis large than 6 inches.
>50% are checking out bigger packages.
About 75% report that a former lover was larger than their current partner.
Does this sound like your wife or girlfriend? Has she participated in the poll?
That time Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald measured dicks
"He said he had something very important to ask me that meant more than anything in the world to him and that I must answer absolutely truly...."