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The Pleasure Gap  


Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 33
17/02/2020 10:39 am  

Real Orgasms And Transcendent Pleasure: How Women Are Reigniting Desire

Male privilege may be destroying pleasure for women. It seems this concept may be attracting mainstream attention. An NPR story highlights a new book “The Pleasure Gap” and discusses what woman can do to assume control of their intimate pleasure. The authors contend that men need to better engage a woman’s desires and sensations.  The book encourages women to “take charge and reignite their libidos” as illustrated by one couple’s story.

“They're both middle-aged and both are experiential sexuality educators, so in many respects they're versed in subjects like male privilege and the ways female satisfaction gets short shrift. But all the same, these issues were showing up in their intimate life.

At the woman's request, they decided to make sex just about her — so that it flowed from her interest and followed the course of her arousal. She told him, she didn't care how he took care of himself, but she didn't want to be a part of it.”


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