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Eminent Member
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27/10/2019 10:07 pm  

Welcome to the Gynocracy. Stories, posts, and promotion of the female led society

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 33
27/10/2019 10:10 pm  

Back to Work

By AsianHotwifesCuck

I woke up, showered, and headed in to work. I was read to get back to work after a week vacation. I was single, so I always enjoyed going on vacation. This time it was Thailand. There were never a shortage of beautiful Thai women who enjoyed a rich American man and were willing to please in any way possible.

When I got to work, someone else was in my assigned parking spot. I glanced at the sign in front of the car to read "Reserved for Ms. Summers". I checked to make certain I was on the right floor. I was. This had been my parking spot since I made Vice president of my division over 3 years ago. Confused and a more than a little ticked off, I found an open parking spot elsewhere and headed in to the office.

I swiped on access card on the executive elevator and headed up the elevator to my office on the upper floor. Having a great view of the city from my office was one of my favorite perks of being a leader. Yes, I took advantage of my good fortune to have been born male and tall. In the business world, I knew it gave me an advantage. However, everyone uses their advantages in business. Although, I sometimes felt like an imposter. I knew I beat out more qualified people because of what I looked like. I was fully aware of being someone who got where he was because of his advantages.

On the way into my office, I stopped by my administrative assistant's desk. She was always such a pleasure to see in the morning. Her long black hair was always pulled back into a neat pony tail. Her blouse always hid her medium size breasts. Everytime I saw her, I wondered what those breast looked like under that blouse. Were her nipples high or low on her breast. Was her areola wide or narrow? Were he nipple sensitive? I have made several passes at her over the years but she keeps saying she needs to get back to her husband or some other bullshit like that. She has no idea that I often locked my office door and jerked off thinking about what she must look like naked. Maybe if she paid a little more attention to my personal needs, I would have put in for that raise she kept asking me about.

I snapped back to reality as she looked up at me. I tried not to be obvious as I stared down the front of her blouse before she looked up at me, but she caught my eyes lingering on her cleavage and said "Yes?"

"I come back from vacation and my parking spot is gone? Was it moved?"

"Um, no" she responded

"Well what happened?" I asked getting annoyed

"I was told to send you up to Ms. Summers as soon as you came in, top floor" she replied

"What the Hell is going on?" I lowered my voice suddenly realizing everyone was staring at me "Who the hell is Ms. Summers?"

"There have been some....changes this past week. Ms. Summers will explain."

"Fuck Ms. Summers!" I whispered under my breath, "I'm going straight to Bob's office." I knew Bob would straighten everything out. We had been friends for 5 years and climbed our way to the top of the company together. Hell, he worked his way into a partnership, then bought out the partners until he owned the company. Unfortunately, his success put his marriage on the rocks. I never met her, but she sounded like an ugly, cold bitch. Somehow Bob always found the most attractive assistants to help him with anything he needed, though. And I know the couch in his office saw sexy action from several of them.

If I was confused earlier, I was more confused now. I headed back to the elevator, swiped my elevator key, and went up to the top executive floor to find Bob.

As I got off the elevator I noticed things had changed. In place of the photos of golf resorts, there were photos of flowers and beaches. Also sitting at the assistants desk was a man who looked more like a model than an assistant.

"Can I help you? Do you have an appointment?" He asked.

"Since when do I need an appointment to see Bob?" I asked

"Oh, you still need to talk with Ms. Samantha, I guess. I thought we had been through everyone. Wait here please." He motioned to a small, stiff wooden chair next to the wall. I sat down and waited. I waited for about 10 minutes before a door at the end of the hallway opened and a tall woman came towards me. I could hear her heels clicking on the floor before I could see her face. Well, Bob must have hired a new assistant, I thought.

"Come with me." She spoke with authority before turning and heading back to down to corridor towards Bob's office.

I followed behind her noting the perfect black seems running up the back of her leg and disappearing under the hem of her tight pencil skirt. I watched her ass sway with each step she took. I thought that Bob really out did himself with this new administrative assistant. I pictured what it must be like to bend her over an office chair and pull that skirt up. My cock stirred as I thought about how lucky Bob would be to fuck the sexy ass walking down the hall in front of me.

As I followed her into the office, I noticed that Bob was not behind the desk. The woman I was following pointed to two chairs across from the desk. I sat down in a chair as the woman walked behind the desk. "I don't recall asking you to sit down." She said coldy.

I don't know why, but immediately stood up as she sat down at the desk. I was suddenly very uncomfortable. "Much better." She smile "We may have room for you afterall."

For the next 30 minutes I was in shock as she told me that Bob's divorce was final, and he lost the company in the process. In fact, the company was never really his to begin with. It was his wife's money. His wife had trusted him with running the company while she tended to more lucrative business. His wife found out how chauvenistically he ran the company and was both angry and embarrassed. She decided she could not set foot inside the company and sold it to a new owner at a fraction of what it was worth. Meanwhile, Bob is now facing civil and criminal charges for how he mistreated the woman at the company. At the time of the sale, there were no female executives at all. The new owners saw the problem and promptly fired every male executive and replaced them with more capable women.

I was given a choice. I could either accept a new position in the company accounting pool as a manager, or leave. I would have no more assistants, no more parking space, and no more access to the upper floors of the company. It would be a significant pay cut. I would need to atone for the way I treated the woman employees or face civil and potentially criminal charges.

I was assured that the new owners wanted this company would be non-discriminatory. I would have the chance to work my way up again, but it would be hard this time. I would have to earn every promotion through hard work. I would need to impress the new all female executives any way I could. Lastly, I would need to work within the new policies which would be more favorable to the women employees.

I was also told that I could leave the company and risk civil or criminal penalties. Furthermore, if I left, my entire retirement plan would be forefit unless I stayed with the company for another 5 years. If I stayed, how much of my retirement I would receive would depend on my performance evaluations. I had managed to build up about $2.7 million in my retirement account. I was counting on that money to be released to me in about 5 years. I had very little savings as I was relying on the big payout. My own finances were a mess as I realized that I wasted it on a fancy apartment, trips, women, and expensive car leases.

She put the new contract in front of me. 80 hours per week. No vacation time. A much lower wage. In fact, it wasn't really a wage at all, but a high interest monthly loan paid to me against my retirement account. I would need to downgrade my apartment and car to live on this salary. There were also very strict with performance evaluations ever 30 days. She made it clear how hard I would be working if I decided to stay. She also made it clear that I would be blackballed from any other job if I did not sign due to the legal trouble I would be in.

I was trapped. I had no money to defend myself. Tears ran down my cheeks as I pictured my new life. Working hard, no executive benefits, and monthly evaluations, any mistakes could subject me to immense legal trouble. I was fucked. My hand shook as I traded my executive elevator key for the pen in front of me.

After signing, she handed me a plastic object that looked like a phallus. I looked at her with confusion showing on my face. I had no idea what that plastic lump was, but I knew I wasn't going to like it. A broad smile was clearly showing on hers.

"It is your cock cage. You will put it on and give me the key. We will not have you fucking anyone else at this company. You must wear this 24/7 according to your new contract's atonement clause. Failure to do so will result in immediate termination, loss of your retirement, and the requirement to pay back any salary received."

I took the cage and turned away to find a bathroom to put it on. "No," she stated sternly. "Here. Now."

I could only look at the floor as I unbuckled my belt. I could feel her staring at me, but I could not look up at her. As I heard the sound of my belt buckle hitting the floor when my pants dropped, I was suddenly ashamed at how I had treated others at the company. My new bosses would be those woman that I stepped over to climb the ladder. Even my sexuality will be controlled if I want to stay out of legal trouble and have any chance at getting my retirement account. She had me exactly where she wanted me, and I was completely under her control.

"Welcome to the new Gynocracy" she whispered into my ear.

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 33
28/10/2019 3:40 pm  

How would you survive in a Gynocracy?



Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 33
21/02/2020 2:54 pm  

Back to Work - Chapter 2

By @AsianHotWifesCuck

The first rays of the morning sun entered the room. I opened my eyes to see the beautifully shaped body sleeping next to me. Dark hair cascaded on the pillow next to mine. The wood blinds at the head of the bed were closed, but still, the sun seeped through the space between the slats. The stripes of sunlight on her brown body accentuated the curves of her breasts and hips by creating alternating lines of sunlight and shadow across her darkly tanned skin. I reached for her. Although last night was still a bit of a blur from the alcohol, I could tangibly feel her soft, perspiring skin beneath my fingers as she lay sleeping beside me. The sheets were discarded on the floor, a side effect of the hot, humid air around us. I thought about how much I deserved this reward for myself. I don't have many vices, but an Asian companion providing a girlfriend experience is a rare treat that I can afford. Paying for love was far less complicated than having an actual girlfriend. I got all of the fuckings with none of the bullshit. Who cares if she didn't really love or even like me? As long I paid for her time, she could make me believe she was mine. My life was perfect.

Her face turned towards my touch, and she smiled. I traced the permanent mascara tattooed on her lower eyelid margin with my finger in appreciation of the work of art before me. The early morning sun meant that we still had a few hours left together, and I was going to make the best use of my time. I rolled onto my back, and she slid her petite hands across my hairy chest. She dutifully kissed my neck. She knew what I wanted, and I compensated her well for giving it to me. My hands slid down to feel the lips of her bare pussy. I slid my index finger between them, and she gave me a playful slap on the chest. "Someone wants to be a bad boy this morning, no?" She smiled at me again when my head nodded in agreement.

She shifted in the bed. Her hands caressed the top of my thighs and between my legs. As my arousal grew from her delicate hands, she leaned over and slipped my cock between her lips. Her lips were soft, and her mouth was warm and wet. Her tongue swirled around the head of my cock, then up and down the shaft. A shiver of pleasure tickled the base of my spine. After several minutes she pulled me from her mouth as if she could feel the pressure to orgasm building in my cock. I let out a satisfying groan protesting the change in sensations. Her lips kissed my thighs before making their way back onto the head of my cock. She looked up into my eyes and winked. Damn, she was so good. I've never felt this hard like my cock was going to split open. I grabbed at the bed sheets to stop myself from grabbing her head as she placed me back into her mouth. She knew she was teasing me and didn't need my help in delivering her delicious torment. She worked her lips up and down my cock, taking me deeper inside with each attempt. Before I knew it, she had my entire cock in her throat and my full attention. I was close to orgasm. I closed my eyes as the inevitable orgasm neared.

Suddenly she pulled off my cock and laughed. I so wanted to cum, but her laughter distracted me. "So sorry," she started. "But you just so tiny!" She burst out laughing again. "So tiny!" She managed to say between giggles. I was angry at first and pushed her off the bed. Her laughter continued, and I became confused. I looked down, and in place of my almost 8-inch cock, I saw my cock was only about 2 inches long!

"What the fuck?" As I yelled out, I felt the pressure on my cock become unbearable. But it was not the pressure of an impending orgasm. It was a constricted and painful feeling. It was if my cock wanted to grow but had reached a tiny maximum size. I looked at her laughing face and felt shame and humiliation.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Suddenly I was alone in my single-room apartment. My alarm was going off. My cock was still in pain after the erotic dream. I reached down and felt bits of my flesh, trying desperately to escape through the bars of the metal cock cage that trapped my penis into a two-inch, implement of control between my legs. "Fuuuck!" I yelled in frustrating pain. I jumped out of bed to take a cold shower and reduce my painfully trapped morning erection. I've never wanted the locked cage off my penis more than at that moment. The cold water soon took down the pressure in my groin. I quickly finished my shower and dressed for work even more frustrated than the previous day because of my dream.

I left my apartment and walked three blocks to the public train station. I made it to the platform just in time to take the early train into work. I didn't want to be late as today was my 30-day performance review. Thirty days ago, I had a large studio, a car, and a high paying job with vacation benefits, but that all changed when ownership of my employer changed. They re-hired me for a much lower-paying job. Under the new HR policy, new hires needed to be in a chastity cage until they could prove they would not harass the female workers. I learned that if I did well during my first 30 days, the chastity device would be removed. I was so looking forward to getting that cage off.

As I rode the train, I was temporarily distracted from my thoughts by the young woman across from me. She dressed casually and wore a white blouse, a leather jacket, and a short skirt. Her bare legs crossed at the ankles and disappeared inside short ankle-length boots. I watched her tap out a message on her cell. She caught me looking at her, smiled, and re-crossed her legs at the thigh before going back to her task. As I thought about what it would be like to have her long legs wrapped around me, I felt a growing tightness as my cock tried to grow in the confines of its cage without success.

I quickly turned my attention back to my first meeting with Ms. Summers, who was the new COO and my boss. There was a lot of unethical behavior at the company under the old management, and Ms. Summers was determined to turn redeemable employees around. She was responsible for the new HR policies. I was one of the lucky employees, or so I was told. She fired many employees that would no longer fit in. Others were potentially facing some severe civil and perhaps criminal legal issues for their past behavior. I had a friend who was high up in the company, Bob, that I had not seen since the takeover by the new owners. I worried about him, but there was little I could do. I was told he went to some sort of rehabilitation retreat to sort his life out. Whatever he is going through, I hoped that he was doing well.

Just before the train stop for my work, I politely asked the woman I was admiring if she would like to get together sometime. I was surprised when she took my cell from my hand and sent herself an emoji text from my phone, a smiling face. I thought that this might be a good day after all. I was optimistic that my cock would get out of its cage after my performance review. Now I had someone to connect with after work as well.

I exited the train at my stop and headed to the coffee shop to pick up a quick morning dose of caffeine. It was before 8 am, and I arrived with plenty of time to prepare for my review. I was feeling pretty good about my day ahead. I left and got in the elevator to go down to my cubicle on the lower level when I received a text message from Ms. Jin, my former administrative assistant, who was now my only direct contact with the company executives.

I am convinced that Ms. Jin has a revenge streak in her. I admit that I didn't treat her as well as I should have when she was my executive assistant. I read the text, "You have 2 minutes to send confirmation that you are complying with our new hire anti-harassment prevention policy." "Shit." I thought. I then heard a giggle from next to me. I remembered my dream from this morning and how embarrassed and ashamed I felt. I felt my face blush. I looked up from my phone and noticed the young, dark-haired woman who was standing beside me and looking at my cell phone screen. "Shit." I thought again, this time out loud.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom and into a stall. I dropped my pants, took out my cellphone, and took a photo of my soft penis locked behind the steel cage. I quickly uploaded it to the compliance app that was on my phone. I received the cheerful "Photo upload successful" message in return. It was bad enough that I needed to wear the device, but it was humiliating to send compliance photos through the app. I had no idea who reviewed the compliance photos, but I would not want that job.

My performance review was early in the day, but I had some time to complete a few tasks before then. After making my way to my cubicle, I hung up my coat and set my backpack under my desk. I turned on my computer and checked my calendar. I expected to see my performance review at 9:30 am. Instead, Ms. Jin had shifted my performance review to 8:15 am. I glanced at my watch that read 8:20. "Shit! Now I'm late." I said under my breath as I headed for the elevator once more.

I arrived at Ms. Summers' office at 8:25 and presented myself to Ms. Jin. "You're late." Ms. Jin said curtly. "Ms. Summers took her 9:00 call early since you were late. You can wait over there." She feigned a smile at me as I sat in one of the wooden chairs along the wall. As I sat down, I felt like I was sitting in the hall outside the principles office back in high school. I couldn't help feeling angry at being treated like a child, but I kept it to myself. I wanted to yell at Ms. Jin for deliberately delaying me with a "compliance check" photo and for changing the meeting time without informing me. Back when she was my administrative assistant, I would have done just that. However, that wasn't going to get me out of this chastity cage and back to a normal life. This performance review was too important to mess up now.

I fidgeted in the chair for about 45 minutes, waiting for Ms. Summers to free herself. I checked what messages I could on my phone. I remained until almost 9:30. Finally, the door to the office of Ms. Summers opened, and I was motioned inside.

As usual, Ms. Summers was impeccably dressed. She wore a long professional dress, highcollared blouse, jacket, and seamed stockings. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bun without a strand of hair out of place. When I entered the office, I noticed she had an assistant at a small desk in the corner. Strangely, the assistant wore a frilly pink skirt and white top. Her blonde hair was in two child-like pigtails, which contrasted dramatically with Ms. Summers' professional appearance. The assistant's desk was facing the wall in the corner rather than outwards facing Ms. Summers. The assistant did not turn around to look as I entered. Instead, she was intently looking at the screen in front of her. On the display, I could see compliance photos of all the newly hired male personnel. Well, at least the question of who is reviewing the compliance photos has been answered.

I waited until Ms. Summers sat down before sitting in the wooden chair in front of her desk. Ms. Summers spoke. "We have been very pleased with your progress over the last 30 days. Aside from being late for today's meeting, you have been on time every morning and completed your assigned work well."

"Thank you, Ms. Summers. I am glad to hear that." I replied She paused before speaking again, and the silence left me feeling a little uncomfortable with the situation. I shifted in my seat in an unsuccessful attempt to make myself more comfortable. She continued. "Because you have met the terms of our new hire policy, you will be pleased to learn that your current chastity cage will be removed today. "

I could not help but let a smile show across my face. Maybe I would get to use that phone number I got on the train tonight after all. "Thank you, Ms. Summers," I repeated.

"Good. However, you are still under contract and must wear an upgraded chastity device for at least another 30 days according to the fine print in your employment contract. We still have some concerns about the way you have been looking at female personnel. Furthermore, you have not been compliant with our dress code policy for men to wear a suit jacket and tie at all times. I realize it seems that the temperature is a little warm for you men, but you just need to handle it the way we women have been handling the cold office for too long. Now with your review out of the way, I'll leave you with our compliance assistant to remove the cage. She will need to take some photos to document that there has not been any damage from the cage before letting you get back to your office for work. Before I go, please place your hands behind the back of the chair."

I was puzzled with this request, but I did so. I felt a pair of cold metal handcuffs encircle my wrists. I turned in surprise only to see that Ms. Jin had followed me into the room earlier without me noticing. She leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Surprise." She then turned and left the room with Ms. Summers.

After they left, it was just the compliance assistant and me. The compliance assistant stood and let out a little sigh before turning around. Her colorful eye make-up, full pink painted lips, and bright red cheeks made me chuckle. She wore a pink choker around her neck. She appeared far too old and overweight to be wearing such thick make-up and frilly clothing. It was so odd and out of place. Yet something about the face seemed familiar. Suddenly I saw through it all, "Bob? Is that you? What the hell happened?" My best friend from work, the one that I had not seen in 30 days, was now standing in front of me dressed as some sort of corporate sissy.

"My name is Barbie. I am the compliance assistant, and I am here only to remove and replace your chastity cage. I am not permitted to answer any questions." She spoke in a high, falsetto voice.

"My God! Bob or umm Barbie, what happened?" I asked in shock.

"I am not permitted to answer any questions." She repeated.

As she walked towards me, bells on each of her shoes jingled with each step. When she reached my chair, she kneeled in front of me. She unzipped my pants and pulled out my caged cock. I felt so embarrassed and awkward to have my best friend touch me in that way, but I wanted out of that cage even if for just a few minutes, so I didn't resist. She put the key in the lock and carefully removed the cage. My cock grew instantly erect at the freedom from the cage. She used a cell phone to take several photos of me. By the time she put her phone away, she had thorough documentation of my cock to prove that there was no damage or injury. She looked up into my eyes. "May I make you cum before locking you in your new cage?" She asked as if it was something she had rehearsed many times before. She stroked my cock as she asked, and my cock tried to respond for me by getting fully erect from her touches. I can't blame my cock for getting hard after 30 days in chastity. I was feeling more and more excited and drew close to the edge of cumming. Since I had not orgasmed in a month, it would not take many strokes to take me over the edge.

I remembered my situation. "Oh, my God! No! Bob or Barbie, or whatever you call yourself, what has happened to you?" I pulled at the restraints binding my wrists. I tried to tear away from his hand on my cock. With the cage off, I could run out of here a free man and never look back if only I could get free.

"I am not permitted to answer any questions." She repeated. She took her hand from my aroused member and walked back to the desk. She returned with a new device. She continued, "This new chastity cage is electronic. An authorized employee can unlock it. It can also deliver a shock from any authorized employee. Right now, only Ms. Jin and Ms. Summers are authorized. Any authorized employee can add another authorized user. I suggest you be very careful with who you request to add as a user. Do I have your permission to place this new cage on you? You always have a choice, but consider your alternatives."

My alternative was to face being blackballed in the business community by Ms. Summers. When the company was taken over, I received a choice to accept a fresh start with the company on their terms or to allow so much damaging information to be released that I would be lucky to get a job at a hot dog stand. I signed a bunch of legal paperwork agreeing to comply with the new human resource policies, and I received a one year contract that would be renewed or not based on performance evaluations every 30 days. My salary was reduced to next to nothing. Access to my retirement funds was now dependent on successfully remaining at the company for five more years.

I sighed in surrender. I thought I would get out of this cage today, but that was not going to be the case. "OK. Put it on. Then let me get out of here." I relented. I was also concerned with the new appearance and performance of my former friend.

Barbie looked at my still erect cock. "We have two options to get this on you. I like making men cum. If you let me do that, I get a good evaluation. If I get a good evaluation, I can get my cage off. Please, please let me get you off."

"No fucking way! I am not letting you get me off." I protested. Suddenly, I felt an intense pain in my testicles as she grabbed my balls and squeezed tightly. I yelled in both pain and surprise. Before I realized it, my erection was gone, and the new cage was securely in place. Barbie pulled up my pants and fastened them before calling Ms. Jin back into the office to uncuff me from the chair.

As Ms. Jin entered, I could hear her heels clicking on the floor behind me. Before removing the cuffs, she held her phone in front of my face. I could see an app opened with a big button marked "zap" and a smaller button marked "release."

She spoke. "I have two choices on this app. I suggest you learn how to be much nicer to me than you ever have been. Who knows? Maybe learning what women want will make you a better person." She tapped the big "Zap" button on the screen. Suddenly a jolt went through my groin that felt like a mule kick.

It took me a few moments to recover as she unlocked the cuffs. She led me out of the office and to the elevator so I could return to my work cubicle. This new electronic cage seemed much worse. However, there was at least a chance that I could please Ms. Jin enough to be granted a release. As the elevator doors closed, my phone received a text from an unknown number. "Hi! It's me from on the train. Do you want to meet for coffee after work?"


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