XXX Blackmail Contract

The SSI’s XXX Blackmail

“eXpose eXtortion eXposé”

Smartphones with Stupid Owners - Blackmailed IdiotsThe Consensual Blackmail Contract by Therapist Samantha Summers where Disclosure puts you on the brink of Exposure!

Revoked Confidentiality - SSI BlackmailI hope that the weather is nice in Washington for you today. As I wouldn’t want you to have any internet issues while you’re reading my page from Seattle. Oh, and on a different note, just so you know, while you’re in the America/Los_Angeles timezone, I am presently on Eastern Standard Time in the US.

—Therapist Samantha Summers

Social Media meets Sexual Mayhem in this new & unique Consensual Blackmail Contract. When it comes to Social Media MORE is MORE, and Networking with a diversity of outlets & origins is one of the keys to Social Virtual Success. But such a Diversification can also spell total Ruin to someone who accidentally leaks a bit of their Sensitive information onto that World Wide WEB. In this Contract we are going to bring your Feet o’ so close to the Proverbial Fire of the Social Net; giving you First Hand Experience at how quickly the Key to Internet Success can be the Cornerstone to your Undoing! As the old saying goes… “You cannot enjoy Heaven if you haven’t tasted Hell!”
This is an INTERNET-ONLY Contract and does NOT involve Exposures outside of Social Media Networks.
In addition to the Contract itself, this Legally Binding Document includes a Fill-in Form (as an Addendum thereto) in which you are to Disclose ALL of your Deepest and Darkest of Dirty Desires…

Exposure Extortion - SSI Blackmail Contract

Obtain this Contract today for only $19.99 (USD) by clicking on its Cover-Image above.

See the latest Participants in the Contract below:

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