Fetishistic Sexual Cuckoldry
“The North American male is bored!” —Therapist Summers
Western men in today’s society are finding themselves bored, sexually. Where are they finding excitement? In the Sexual Fetishism known as “Cuckoldry”, more commonly known as Cuckolding. Cuckolding adds a new spice to their Sexual courses, or rather, due to the diversity of Cuckolding, an entire spice rack. Although this Fetish is finding a surge in the present, Cuckolding has a past that is centuries old.
Though many attribute the antlers of deer as being simplistically connected to general ‘Horniness’ (i.e. how ‘Horny’ someone is), those horns (like the ones illustrated above) were in fact the main symbolism to be found in Classical Cuckolding (as is CLEARLY shown below).
The above satirical painting was done at around 1815 in France. Now part of the Public Domain.
(The painting has been cropped herein for appropriate focus upon the point of interest.)
The main principles within Classical Cuckoldry, the unashamed adulterous wife and the inherently humiliated husband, have remained intact over the centuries; continuing as the centerpieces of today’s Fetishistic Cuckolding. Though it may have been subtly symbolized or carefully implied in the old ‘Horny’ days, modern day Cuckolding’s common inclusion of Coerced Bisexual activities (“Forced-Bi”) takes things to a further degree (to a different level entirely in some cases).
Originally, the humiliation put upon the Cuckold (Cuck / Cuckee) was chiefly done by the sexually neighborly wife; the Cuckold’s Adulterous Wife was the degrading causation. (Although, it was often shown early on that Humiliation received by the Cuckold was known to others, but not to him; being more of a hidden affair behind the naive husband’s back.) Yet today we often see the majority of the humiliation (or the harshest levels of degradation) as coming from the lover; the male stud that pleases the Cuckolddress is also he who pounds the inadequate spouse’s spirit (Ego) into fine dust.
Here’s an interesting little piece of trivia for you (no pun intended):
The so-called “Sign of the Horns”, you know, like that shown below:

Credit: RaBoe/Wikipedia (used per license: “”)
Although the hand sign is commonly associated with the horns of the Devil, and was involved in the ridding of demons in some forms of Buddhism, it was (and is) also considered to be an offensive (degrading) gesture. In South-Western Europe & in Latin America, it is used as a Mockery towards a Cuckolded husband (in order to bring further humiliation onto him), reminding the Cuckold of the horns upon his head (symbolically speaking).
What about the honor to be able to clean your wife or girlfriend after her lover cums in her pussy? As she commands you to clean her as she laughs.
That would definitely be a mix of Participatory Cuckolding and Erotic Humiliation.
Well what about the cucks that are owned at large by dominant married women who have a stable of sissy cuckolds who endure forced faggotry for their Goddess. Sometimes cross dressed and taken to glory holes for hours of oral rape? The ultimate humiliation!!
Seems I was hoping for more here. My imagination brought to today’s use of cucking spans into an ideal that Cuckoldry can be and should be defined between the Cuckoldress and the Cuckee. That is to say in the idea of a true yet clearly rare Dominant Woman who embraces the love of her submissive male, protecting him all because he too is actually a rare find, SHE may live HER life long term as She desires.
The gorgeous gray areas can be more defined by the Hotwife where the male loves to see his woman penetrated by other males but their agreement stops there and does not include any forms of bisexual play or humiliation all the way to Cucking to the deep emotional tearing at the metaphoric flesh and literal ego of the submissive male for both the Queen and the submissive need this. It disturbs me that the latter is the assumption by so many BDSM enthusiasts and that many Female Dominants don’t have a clue as to the broad spectrum of the beauty of Dominance and submission. But, that’s a much longer conversation.