Category Archives: Problematic Paraphilia
Ruination Fetishism

The Sub-Fetish within the wide-ranging Sexual Fetish of Financial Domination, Eroticised “Ruination” is a lit match dangling above a bucket of gasoline. Likewise, a form of “Erotic Humiliation”, Fetishistic Ruin is a man who takes a leap at bungee-jumping while holding both ends of the cord. See more now
P*S*Y*C*H*O-Sexual Relations

This non-sexual helpful audio is about going no contact with a Narcissist and what may happen, and how to diffuse the mess! Or better yet, How do to get away from a crazy, malignant bitch. “Bitch” being a gender neutral matter here of course. Be good to yourselves! See more now
FinDom Addiction

Although many people worldwide, both laymen & professionals alike, try to say it is a gross over-exaggeration, or that it is quite a far stretch of severity, Sexual Addictions revolving around Financial Domination Fetishes can be as costly as a Heroin or Methamphetamine Addiction… See more now