Tag Archives: Therapy
P*S*Y*C*H*O-Sexual Relations

This non-sexual helpful audio is about going no contact with a Narcissist and what may happen, and how to diffuse the mess! Or better yet, How do to get away from a crazy, malignant bitch. “Bitch” being a gender neutral matter here of course. Be good to yourselves! See more now
Therapeutic Blackmail

Although the service of “Consensual Blackmail” has numerous variants and various uses, it is most often deployed here at the S.S.I. in the treatment of Psychosexual Addictions to Paraphilic-Fetishes. This form of treatment is both extreme and controversial, and so is only used under certain circumstances. It could be considered a “tough love” methodology. See more now
FinDom Addiction

Although many people worldwide, both laymen & professionals alike, try to say it is a gross over-exaggeration, or that it is quite a far stretch of severity, Sexual Addictions revolving around Financial Domination Fetishes can be as costly as a Heroin or Methamphetamine Addiction… See more now