Gooner Exam


Are you, and what kind are you?

Gooners come in all sorts. Gooning can involve virtually any fetish that is out there. While it is a fetish in & of itself, it also is a wide umbrella that can encompass everything else. While Gooning is generally seen as involving masturbation, it can even include a chastity device. If you aren’t familiar with the term, don’t worry, as a clear definition is within this exam. This exam will not only see if you are indeed a Gooner, but also what kind you are.

This exam has 5 sections made up of 30 questions designed to analyze different aspects of your Gooning Behavior. Are you an Extroverted Gooner? Are you an Organized Gooner? Is your Gooning a Fetish? Are you conflicted about it? This exam is going to discover the answer to all of these questions. Each section will put you into 1 of 3 resulting categories. So let’s go and discover more about your Sexuality.

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Gooner Exam was last modified: June 5th, 2022 by Therapist Summers

This Exam is the property of the Samantha Summers Institute LLC and may not be copied, shared, sold or modified without written consent under penalty of law.

Gooner Exam was last modified: June 5th, 2022 by Therapist Summers
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