Category Archives: Favorable Fetishes
Aid to Losers

The Sexual Fetish Assistance Program is a means tested, need based program. The following application will be useful in the determination of your treatment, individual needs, and your payment options. As it is a goal of the SSI (inherently being a Matriarchy at its inception) to assure that all males are useful in some manner, it is vital to access your sexual nature, and determine that that you meet the financial guidelines. See more now
The Pathetic Proof

People talk, talk, talk about being Losers (…wimps, sissies, pussies, lamers, so-on & so-forth) —speaking of those partaking of the receiving-end within the Lame Land of Lustful Laughter, that is. As the old saying goes, and as I have repeated regarding other Fetishistic-Favorites, TALK IS CHEAP, and in the here & now, it is time to PROVE it. Instead of coughing up further wanton what-ifs, arousing assumptions, or fetish-driven fibs, this is the moment for you to PUT-UP or SHUT-UP. See more now
Sissy Square Dance

Or rather…
‘Do you see the Doe?’
Well, either way, I sure see the Dough!
(In both senses … See more now
Handful of Humiliation

Photos of & by those Horny for Humiliation
This page concerns those with Eroticized Humiliation Fetishisms. Hereinafter are multiple photos of multiple individuals whom claim to have a … See more now
Therapeutic Blackmail

Although the service of “Consensual Blackmail” has numerous variants and various uses, it is most often deployed here at the S.S.I. in the treatment of Psychosexual Addictions to Paraphilic-Fetishes. This form of treatment is both extreme and controversial, and so is only used under certain circumstances. It could be considered a “tough love” methodology. See more now