Category Archives: SSI eXtras
Backwards Blackmail
Female Controlled US Currency

Just as Neurologists and Psychologists had to take a step back and view things from afar after failing to explain the Mind when erroneously viewing the Psyche as if it were a Computer, I had to look at Sexuality as being a Shadow of the Mind (to borrow the phrase from Dr. R. Penrose) before trying to show it. So, as it has been found that the Mind does not work like a Laptop, but rather is likened unto the World-Wide-Web of the Internet, I looked at the Fetishes from that same perspective. And… WAH-LAH! There it was. See more now
31 Days of Fetish

The “31 Days of Fetish” Adults-Only Halloween PTV Series: (NOTE: Presently, only 15 of the 31 parts of this Pay-to-View Series are available.) ALL AVAILABLE PARTS OF THE SERIES ARE NOW 50% OFF THEIR REGULAR PRICES! Prices vary per PTV, click any of the cover-photos below for further information and for a description of each. See more now

The SSI’s PAY-to-VIEW’s Public Relation’s Page
function JSTest() { alert(“This alert confirms that\n you have Javascript Enabled\n and can participate in this Project!”); } #JS-Test-Border-4 { width: 50%; position: relative; left: 20%; background-color: #0077b3; … See more now